so good it passes clean through the event horizon of epicness and almost PUNCHES THROUGH the other side to become mediocre again
i love this holy f
so good it passes clean through the event horizon of epicness and almost PUNCHES THROUGH the other side to become mediocre again
i love this holy f
lmao that name
this is cool. Maybe to make the songs a bit better, use audacity for editing. its free and simple, and you can use it for a couple cool effects, like phasing and increasing reverb. or you can shift the treble and bass of parts, increase volume, change pitch/tempo, make parts of the song fade in/out, etc.
holy f i sound like an advert sdpi;kjmgflgjkmsdifg;jlkdfsg
anyway yeaaaaaaaaa, this is actually sick holy f
also collab? :flushed:
holy this is good
ayy cool cinematic dnb ambience thinge
nice ambience :D
probably fits under ambience - pretty neat song
Thank you for listening!
can i use this in a GD level please? You said you want to be whitelisted, and you got whitelisted, but the licencing on this says that we need to ask for a project use.
thanks if yes :D
Go right ahead!
Character name: Retro
Race: Human
Class: Musician
Hit points: 16 (2d8)
Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 19 (+4)
Wisdom: 18 (+4)
Charisma: 16 (+3)
Proficiency bonus: +5
Melee weapons: Beepbox
Ranged weapons: Audacity
Age 18, Male
Earth Senior High School
WA, Australia
Joined on 4/5/20